Northwest Christian Church…..Day 6

Wow NWCC!!! What a day. We shifted more sand and nailed the backing to the worker’s houses. One is half done with the sides stuccoed. Front and back tomorrow… We are serving with smiles and joy. Thank you for your prayers.

After lunch we had a VBS for kids which brought about smiles and laugher from both sides. We had serious ministry too. We used the towels to conduct a foot washing prayer session to serve those who are here constantly being the hands and feet of Jesus.

The day was tough on any other fronts as well the Hut to Hut team was lead to a boy badly burned 4 days ago while doing VBS invites. They were allowed to carry him back for treatment at the Clinic. The wound is now infected and their hearts broken with his cries of pain and discomfort. They were able to treat part of it and permission to treat him further. Please pray for this child and his recovery. Joe Rucker, thank you for your letter. Your friendship is a jewel and encouragement to me. Irene and Joey thank for your prayers. Kat and JayJay I miss you both. Tina, I love and miss you! Thank you for helping set this up and telling us to see it through. Love you too church. John Munro

Hey Mom, Kat and JJ. I’m doing well, but today was pretty tough today in the clinc when the boy came in with the burns. It broke my heart to see a child in that much pain. I also got to play with the orphans so that was pretty cool too. I’m excited to be here and look forward to seeing you.

Bobby and Lisa hopefully you have checked the blog and informed the family. I am having a wonderful time. Love you and hugs Madre.

Hey everyone-it’s Sheryl! Only 1 more day after today and we will be heading home – and it is bittersweet to me – glad to be going home but leaving so much behind. Not sure if I am quite ready to leave here yet. This morning some worked in the clinic, some with sifting sand and others of us went hut to hut speaking and praying with those we came in contact with. We also invited them to Movie Night which is tomorrow. We stopped at one house and talked to the mom and a couple of her eight children. We then invited them to movie night and left.

We were half a block away she called us back to show us one of her sons – he had severe burns and wanted our help. We were able to get him to the clinic and he has begun treatment. I fully believe
God brought us to him to help him. If we had not stopped there, and if his mom would not have called us back the future would have been pretty slim for that young guy.

Besides that, one  thing we brought to Haiti with us was burn treatment kits.  I don’t believe in coincidences. John mentioned the VBS – we had at least 50 kids show up. I would not have expected Jenga being so popular!  We ended the day with a staff get-together and we washed the feet of all the staff and prayed with them.  We headed to the beach for a fire and cooked out hot dogs.  It was another blessed day in Haiti.

See you soon Hannah , Jacob, Jayden and Angelina. You too Melissa and

Ludgi! Love and miss you!


Please feel free to leave a comment. Comments will be read at dinner.


  1. Hi Adriana,
    It’s William. It looks like this is a good experience for you and Jon. I’m glad to see things are going well for you over there and you seam to be very happy. I’m sure the ppl are greatful for all the help. Miss you and love you! Blessings

  2. Our prayers go out to the little boy healing from the burns. We are so glad that God led our team to him so that he might receive treatment. We are praying for all of you each day.
    Rebekah and John I know that you will be home very soon and can’t wait to see you and give you a huge hug! I love you both!

  3. Hey Dad and Beka, I miss you guys a lot and am glad the trip is going well. I look forward to seeing you and hearing more details. I should be able to catch you guys that evening when you get home. I love you guys.

  4. I know that all of your time is beginning to come to an end with mixed emotions. We are praying for safe travels and also that your work in Haiti is only the beginning-that God will use this week to continue to grow the villagers, the missionaries, as well as yourselves as you depart and come home. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

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