Last Day with PV Youth Team…

Ryan Crisman

Last night we had a great experience at a bonfire we threw for the kids. We found that some of the teenagers and children were scared of the beach at night, because of supposed monsters that would come and eat them. We reassured them that God would protect them no matter what, and had a fun rest of the evening around the fire and on the beach.

This morning we returned to Preskul to deliver hygiene kits and granola bars to the towns people. We also collected all of their paintings, and brought them some of our clothes. After Brad delivered a wonderful message at church we invited the teenagers to stay and paint. The teenagers weren’t the only ones enjoying themselves. One more thing that I noticed about the paintings was, the majority of the Preskul paintings were of their home and boats. While in the mole I found a lot of flowers. We’re coming home tomorrow!


Taylor Gibson

Wow. These past couple of days have been some of the greatest experiences of my life. Since this is my first chance to blog, I’m going to share all of my favorite memories. First of all, the people here are the nicest people. They are always so full of joy and energy, and are always willing to talk to you, even with the language barriers. As part of our mission, we went to a small village named Preskul that was just discovered a couple weeks ago. We are the first people that have ever helped them, so we’re in the process of gaining their trust. We also brought them hygiene bags and granola bars this morning. They were so thankful, and I cannot wait to see them again in June. We also had church today and had everyone there paint a drawing. They were all extremely good…way better than what I could do! We’re at lunch as of right now, and are leaving the Mole right afterwards and heading to Port Au Prince. I’m sad to leave, but I know that we’re coming back in a few months, so it makes it more bearable to go. I’m so excited to share this experience with the youth group back home. I hope we can get more people involved, and make a real difference here. God bless!


Brandon Chapman

Mesi. The word I have been hearing the most lately. The people are so thankful for us being here as much as we are thankful for their hospitality and welcoming. The culture at the Mole and Preskul are such friendly cultures.

One huge way I saw God work this weekend, and specifically through me, was how He had our luggage be stuck in Port Au Prince until last night. I was the last one to get a bag of what I needed on the plane because we had to be below the maximum weight (950 lbs). I got to take a string back with one pair of shorts, my Bible, a camera and a journal to the Mole. When our luggage came last night I realized that I didn’t really need any of the clean clothes in my bag. We went back to Preskul this morning and I brought two pairs of shoes and the rest of my clothes to bless them with. We also brought bags of hygiene products for everyone there. They were truly thankful for what we did and I really feel like we are building good relationships in that village. If God hadn’t taken our clothes for a little while, I don’t think I would have been nearly as willing to give those clothes up and they wouldn’t have been clean either. Praise God.


Caleb Eissler

This morning has been possibly the most smile filled, awe inspiring, and blessed day I’ve ever had. Whether it was witnessing the joy on the Preskull villagers faces when we returned and passed out clothes, food and hygene kits, listening to a congregation of a hundred Christ loving Haitians sweetly sing their praise, watching them smile when we gave the church the canvases to paint on, seeing their beautiful masterpieces, or holding and loving on 4 little Haitian boys for hours on end, I was in paradise. Saying goodbye was harder than I ever could have imagined. This all feels like a dream. Never could I have an experience like this in America. This people are so warm and welcoming. I feel at home here. June couldn’t come sooner enough, cause I’m ready to love on the people again. Thanks for all the prayers back home. 2 Timothy 1:7.

Molly Meeks

So I didn’t get to type yesterday,and the past two days have been pretty amazing. We went to this village that was discovered like weeks ago, called preskull. We painted with them yesterday and the looks on their face when they learned we were there to help them was unforgetable. We returned today and gave all the people hygeine kits. I’m actually happy things didn’t go as planned and we gave the kits to preskull. When we go there and gave those kits the people were so happy. Then some of the team gave them some of their extra clothes, and it was amazing. Later we went to church and even though we couldn’t understand what they were singing it was still really amazing. Then hearing that two people gave their life to Christ afterwards just made my day. Now were getting ready to go. I heard our hotel tonight has air conditioning! I can’t wait till june this was an incredible weekend.


Rachel Hunter

These past few days have been the most incredible experience of my life. God definitely did not hide the plan He had for us! Yesterday we traveled to a village called Preskull which was just discovered about two weeks ago, they say they have been hidden in plain site but no one cares about them. It was incredible to just love on them and see their faces light up in huge smiles, it’s something I will never forget. We got to go back early this morning and bring them hygenine kits and granola bars, these were the first gifts they have ever been given and it was such an amazing thing to be the first ones to give them something. Some of us also gave away some of our clothes, I didn’t really expect for it to be such a blessing for me to see how grateful they were for those clothes. Those beautiful smiles that were constantly on their faces will forever be in my memory. I cannot wait to come back in June and be able to reunite with them and let them know that we really do care and just love on them more and continue to build trust with them and be able introduce them to Jesus for the first time. It’s hard to believe we have only been here for two days, I can’t even imagine how amazing a whole week in June! Thank you all so much for all the prayers, see you soon.

One comment

  1. So cool to read your blogs and see the pictures. Very excited for you, and grateful for your Kingdom work!

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