Ministry Boat Is Taking Shape…

I have been so incredibly busy the last few weeks I haven’t had a chance to check on our ministry boat being built by Mission Navigation!

It’s been hard for me to imagine what exactly the inside is supposed to look like! But NOW I am starting to get a glimpse of its beauty! Its ministry potential leaves me teary-eyed today as I look at the pictures! I feel like I’m watching a dream come true right before my eyes!

We now have cisterns in KaPaFu and Preskul. Both fishing villages walk hours to get water! This boat is so huge we could load barrels and barrels of water and fill up those cisterns every week!

We recently surveyed the fishing villages about their walk with Christ. Many said they now know the name of Jesus! Which that is great news since they had never heard of Him when we met!  But what they also shared was that they don’t have a deep relationship with Him.

That’s just not okay with me. We have so many activities going on at our church and they’re just too far away to participate. We walk to the villages once a week to preach a sermon – but it’s just not enough. We need to be able to include them in our prayer services and small groups. We need to have better access to them so we can take them deeper!  I look at that boat and KNOW it will be a vessel that brings people to Christ!

For those of you who speak BOAT LANGUAGE — this is an update taken from Mission Navigation’s Facebook Post 
Thursday, March 22nd – We made a lot of “invisible” progress on the boat on Thursday. Huntington’s joined us for the day. Their kids infused a lot of energy into the weary team (or at least to me). We got most of the “egg-crating” pre-made, and a lot of fiberglass work done. 
Friday, March 23 – Final Day Everyone signs the boat! The “invisible” progress of the previous day was glued and ‘glass-tabbed into the boat on Friday! Both cargo holds are now built as well as the engine compartment.
Coming Soon! Family Day to put in the foam and ping pong balls! We were able to accomplish all that I had anticipated +plus+ we also got quite a bit of extra fiberglass work done. The pictures tell the story pretty well, so check out the slide show. Thank you again to the Building Team, the extra volunteers, and supporters. I trust this will ultimately change someones world!


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