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PV Fall Trip – Last Day…

Dear PV Friends and Family:

This is our final evening in The Mole and what a great day it has been! We had a fantastic number of ladies at our last bible study talking about taking guilt & shame and turning it into hope. We also had our largest number of village kiddos at our VBS this afternoon. We truly enjoyed our spa and blessing time with the mission staff, too. They have served us so well. We have really and truly been taken care of by this team. They have our thanks and blessings.

A couple of important items:

1. All family will receive a phone call or text as soon as we hit US soil tomorrow.

2. Gayla – we think of you every night as we tuck into bed with our little fans. We love you, girl!

Seriously, we have finished the week and are now ready to be home. Please pray for us rest tonight and then travel mercies tomorrow as we would like to make all of our flights to be back in KC by tomorrow night. That will take a God thing but we will trust in Him and thank you for supporting us with your prayers throughout the day.

Thank you all for teaming with us this week. We are so grateful for your prayer and financial support. You are simply the best!




Hey All… this is Miss Beth:>)

I just wanted to chime in here for this last day…ding, dingJ  seriously, this has been an incredible week with this mighty team of four. The way they loved on our Ladies group, the men, our staff and especially the children…as little Rosie would say “PV knows how to love” and love they did!!! We just finished up with our last nights devo and I have to say I am still overwhelmed with tears running down this girls cheeks. Sharing with them how much of an impact they have made this week just chokes me up. The moments of fun, of laughter, of teaching and of sharing with one another have been so encouraging and a blessing. “Thank you PV Team for giving to the Lord there were lives that were changed, thank you for giving to the Lord, we are so glad you gave.”

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