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Today our feature post is on this quiet, gentle giant Djivensky!

Djivensky Aristene
Birth date: 01/21/07
Role: Gentle Guardian
BFFs: Sony
# of sponsors needed: 2

Although this guy isn’t always up front and center, he is often serving and caring and protecting behind the scenes. He has such a sweet and gentle spirit and he is always looking out for and protecting his younger brothers. Djivensky will help his younger brothers by getting them things, pushing them around on little cars/bikes, playing with them, or teaching them things.

This is especially true with little Sony. Djivensky has taken this little brother under his wings so to speak and often you will see them sitting or playing together. It is such a sweet sight to see as Djivensky helps his brother out and watches over him to make sure Sony is included and doesn’t get trampled by the older kids.

Matthew 25:40
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"

Djivensky is also best friends with the other older boys who are his age and you will see them playing or running around together. As the quieter one I feel like he brings some calm to this group of energetic and crazy little boys!

While Djivensky is reserved and doesn’t say a whole lot, he is always ready to listen! He will sweetly sit with any of his brothers and just listen to what they have to say. As he sits back in quietness, you can see him just taking it all in and absorbing all that is happening around him, which adds to his observant and caring nature.

Today I want to circle this gentle guy in prayer. Besides his caring and protective nature, there is such a joy bubbling up from the depths of his soul. Djivensky has a gentle and quiet type of strength, he is steadfast, and I think the continually joy he has helps strengthen him as he goes through life. I pray he will never let this life rob him of his joy and I pray that he remains humble, knowing that his strength comes from the Lord. I pray God will continue to strengthen him and create in him a steadfast and immovable type of faith, a faith and trust that can weather the storms. This kid has such a servant’s heart that genuinely cares for others and I pray that he will continue to serve selflessly and allow God to lead him in the ways and works placed before him. I pray that he will remember the importance of his service and works, that they do not save him or make him better than others, but that they allow the power of God to be seen in him as his service invites the Almighty God to work through his life.

1 Corinthians 15:58
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

Currently, Djivensky’s Family Tree has room for at least 2 more! Would you consider looking out for this protective and caring child by joining his Family Tree today? For just $30/month you can make a difference in his life as a branch on his Family Tree, getting him one step closer to being fully funded! He’s almost there and with your help I know he could have a full thriving tree of support! So go check out Djivensky’s Family Tree site here, you’re just one click away from becoming a sponsor and making a difference in these kids’ lives.

Go check out our older posts about Djivensky to learn more and get to know this gentle guardian! Just click on the various years below to see the posts!



And just for fun, check out this adorable picture of little Djivensky! It is the feature photo for his Family Tree but I just had to include it here too because, look at that smile!

This little guy is so full of joy and still is and I know that those of you who have known him since the beginning would testify to that! Djivensky has been at the mission for a long time and I know that his smile, joy, and gentle spirit have touched many!

Go ahead and share a favorite story you have about this kid!

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