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Texas Tech 2015 – Day 1

Hey guys!!!

This is Ty! It has been a pretty crazy almost 48 hours. We did a great job being patient with each other while on little sleep and in busy airports. The first year people may not agree with me, but for someone who has been here before, it went very smoothly. Today we woke up and toured the mission first thing. Its really cool for me to see how it has changed over the last year. After that we got to play with the orphans here! They are the definition of adorable and the sweetest little kids. Tonight we are having a movie night in the town square and have tried to invite most the kids in town. I’m really excited about this because I have not experienced it before. We have spent some time at the beach (which is beautiful!), and played volleyball. They have a pretty good set up with the court lines and all!!

Jody spoke to us today about not only being the hands and feet of Jesus, but the face of Jesus as well. 2 Cor. 4:6 speaks to seeing the glory of God in the face of Jesus. We are to imitate Christ and I hope to continue to grow toward that everyday. It was impactful to the whole team and spoke into what we need to do this week.

As I wrap up I want to encourage you to not only pray for our trip, but to allow our experiences to impact you. I was encouraged to do two things here in Haiti and would like to share those with you. 1. Love deeper than you thought was possible. 2. Get out of your comfort zone and allow God to use you. I hope to do both and would like to extend that to you. No matter if it is in your workplace, church, or home; continue to chase after what the Lord has for you and be obedient in that. We love yall and hope that everything is well!

Have a wonderful night,

Ty Lust

p.s. I have photos for you K-Truck and Allison sais Hi Yall! Haha love yall!

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