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Dr. Lillpop’s Group & PVBC 2015 …Day 3

From Lillpop’s Jacksonville Group – 

It’s been a rainy day here in the Mole but that hasn’t stopped us from being His hands and feet today. We started our morning with a devotional from the book of Matthew reminding us that Jesus calls us out of our comfort zone, which was very fitting for today as the rains came down making everything just a little more difficult.

After breakfast and our devotional we ventured over to the medical clinic where we started off with prayer, organized supplies, stocked the pharmacy and started seeing patients. We saw around 60 patients total, including some pregnant mama’s who were able to have an ultrasound and see their babies for the first time! What a joy and a privilege to spend time and pray with people who have so little and appreciate so much.

Our youth has spent the entire afternoon in the orphanage and are some of them are referred to as MaMa Jaelen, MaMa Grayce and MaMa Maggie. The children in the orphanage cling to them and look at them with such love in their eyes. Tonight as we listen to the rain we are celebrating our sweet friend, Lisa Lillpop’s birthday in Haiti! The cooks at the mission surprised her with a chocolate cake, candles and singing! As our day comes to an end we are reminded of His goodness everywhere.

Emanuel – God with us!



Brian started our day with devotions encouraging us to give up our comfort and be willing to sacrifice whatever we’re valuing for the greater thing, the only thing, Jesus. Apparently Brian had a pretty good connection with God this morning because we were only a few minutes outside the Mole when it began to rain. Not sprinkle. Not lightly rain, but literally pour down raining.

Our first stop to perform the drama was a muddy courtyard of a small local church. The pastor welcomed us and about 60 people gathered to watch our students pour themselves out for their Savior’s story to be told. As much as I hated to watch them throw KJ in the mud, it added a harshness to the drama that better represents the way Jesus was really treated. I watched the people’s faces as they watched the drama and could see that they were truly understanding the story.

There were lots of great follow up conversations after each of the three performances with students using the interpreters help. I cannot express with words how proud I am of our students. They joyfully hopped out of the truck at each stop muddy, soaking wet, tired, and hungry to do what they were called to this beautiful place to do! They sang in between stops, laughed with one another, encouraged one another and blessed my heart beyond measure.

Parents: Well done! I know it’s Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit working in them, but I also know that your love, support, and example has prepared them for this trip as well.   They were selfless servants of the risen king today. Thank you for your prayers, they are powerful and working!

Love you all! Marla

PS Darin, if you hear stories about me being electrocuted, it was just a minor shock-Jose, Pierre and I took turns running sound equipment that was soaking wet!


Rain, rain go away, come again another day. Yeah, that is what was going through Ryan and my own heads last night before we fell asleep. We barely got to our beds when it finally started to rain on our tent that lacked a rain tarp. As we were getting ready to move our beds inside we found the tarp under my bed, so we quickly threw it on top and prayed it would keep the rain out. At about midnight the tarp came off as Ryan was telling me the next morning and that I was completely huddled under my small sheet trying to keep out the rain, though very unsuccessful, I woke up with half my body wet. That morning we were told it probably wasn’t going to rain when we went on our way to do our Freedom Drama 2 hours away everyone packed their rain ponchos and prayed it wouldn’t.

Let’s just say the rain came. It came and came and came, then stopped! We were all so excited! It had stopped just in time for the Drama! We grouped up and as soon as the music started some drops from the sky fell. It wasn’t bad, but after about a minute it came harder and harder. We were doing it on a small mud patch in front of the village’s church, which made me happy, because then I wouldn’t be thrown onto rocks, which is what I was used to. Once the rain started I knew I was going to be covered in mud. I was, to say the least. Let’s just say my brand new white shirt is now red and brown. The next time we did the Drama everyone was wet, muddy, and cold. It was in the middle of a street by a market, which happened to be very convenient, because then people were forced to watch it while they were hiding in the rain. The third and final time we did the Drama God granted our prayers with calming the storm while we performed and while we talked to everyone afterwards.

Brian challenged us this morning during devotionals with becoming uncomfortable with what we are doing to show the love of God. By the end of the day all that his devo made me think of was the quote, “Don’t pray for patience, because God will give you a reason to test it out.” That’s exactly what Brian prayed for, and the one thing I believe all of us needed to hear. Today was a day to remind us that we need to be completely uncomfortable. That we need to give up something for the ultimate gift God gave us, and here and now, that is our comfort. I pray God gives us more opportunities like today to show His word to all of His people in Haiti.

Thank you all for the constant support and prayers throughout the trip. I love you Mom, Dad, Kendra, Matthew, and Kristel.

Love you all,

KJ Stahl


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