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Texas Tech 2019 – Day 5…

Hey sweet friends and family of my new sweet friends, Hayden here!!

Today we went to Savane Mole! We took a 45-minute thrashing tap tap ride. Originally, I was not supposed to go because my group was supposed to be on construction duty, but my fearless leader Brad was ever so kind to allow Maddie and I to go with the other two groups. BIG SHOUT OUT TO BRAD!

But don’t you worry, I spent the afternoon painting cubbies for the little babes here in the orphanage. The big question is, was there more paint on my hands and clothes or on the wood… the world may never know.

During the painting, Brad asked us basically 12,000 questions. One was “how did you see God today?”, and my answer to this question is I saw Him in every single smile. Every smile of the men and women we passed, while holding on for dear life. Every smile of the children who chased the tap tap, laughing and screaming out to us. Every smile of the sweet babes I held in my arms, just wishing I would never have to let go. In all of these smiles, I saw God. I saw how He loves. In all these exchanges I pray they felt seen, loved, and known. That is one of my deepest prayers.

Mom, I love you and HAPPY RETIREMENT!! I’m proud of all the time and years you have spent loving on you students that became your children. You amaze me!! I LOVE YOU, CONGRATS!!

Dad, that you for keeping me updated with the Women’s World Cup!! I love you and miss you!!

B, I hope you are having a great and productive week! I love you and I miss you! See you soon my love!

And with that… I’m going to bed! Bon weit!!


Hi y’all its Quen!

I am truly blown away with how much this place has my heart in the short time I have been able to experience it. Being obedient to God’s calling to coming here has been one of the greatest blessings. He is really challenging me. Although not using my phone or normal everyday comforts is a struggle I feel that it has helped my focus on my purpose here.

Al picked me to give a devotional last night. Let me tell you… I was so entirely nervous! But I spoke on spiritual wealth, which has hit me the most while being here in Haiti. So Al, thank you for making me and continuing to push me out of my comfort zone while being here!

Savane Mole today has so far been my favorite village to go to. While the tap tap ride was an experience, the views from the top of the island were stunning! Everyone there was so welcoming! Spending time with the children there completely filled my heart and every face had the most beautiful smiles. I only wish that we could have spent more with them!

Mom and dad, thank you for your endless support on my decision to come here and to follow my heart to serve. Ian and Isabelle, I miss you both more than you know! Eric, love you and miss you!

Can’t wait to share all my stories with you! Love and miss you all so very much!!

Please feel free to leave comments. Comments will be read at dinner!

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