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Wolfforth & Friends – Last Day…

Hey there, this is Chloe from the Nedds clan staying at the Mole this week! Today was our last full day!! It is so hard to believe that we are leaving this wonderful place so soon. This morning we split up and a few went to work in the clinic and I went with the rest of the group into town to go Hut-to-Hut. We walked up the mountain (it’s actually a hill but it definitely feels like a mountain in the moment) into Calvaire. We then stopped at the hospital to pray with some of the patients inside.

After praying at the hospital, we split our groups up and went different ways to try and reach multiple families at the same time. We played soccer and painted nails and ended our time with a prayer. We then walked back to campus for a delicious lunch. After lunch today was the market! Everyone set up tables filled with beautiful paintings, jewelry, bags, and so much more to sell to us.

We then got to play with the kids for a few minutes before taking them all to the beach. We took the girls first and then brought the boys in a second group later. We all had so much fun splashing around and playing with our crazy energy-filled kiddos.

Since tonight is our last night we had our dinner and devotion on the beach. We roasted hot dogs and ate them while watching the sun set over the beautiful beach in The Mole. Miss Beth ended the night with a powerful devotion about going back to the states and being still in the midst of it all. Today was such an amazing day and I am so sad to have to say goodbye to my favorite place tomorrow morning. I am so thankful for this place and the people that fill it.


Hi this is Caleb from the Wolfforth team! This week went by just as fast as it came! It seems like yesterday we were landing on the gravel air strip! We have been able to all the things this week and I’m so grateful for the entire group of people that we’ve got to know while doing it! Today we started with hut to hut and Mason, Zach, and I got to pray over a sick women in a hospital and Zach and I later got to pray over another lady who had stomach pains. It was really cool that we got be a part of that and that God allowed for us to cross paths and present the opportunity.

Later we took the orphans to the beach and got to play and love on them with sand everywhere and salt water in our eyes. Wouldn’t trade these experiences for everything! Now just mentally prepping for a day full of travel! See y’all soon!


Hey! It’s Lynsie from the Wolfforth team! It is so hard to believe it is the last night, and I am sad it is coming to an end so soon. I was in the group that did hut-to-hut today. Taylor, Lydia, and I got to pray over a woman who was in the hospital and she was very thankful. We walked a bit more into Calvaire and found a good of kiddos to play soccer with an color. We had a great time, and ended it with praying over the group. A couple of the boys were very excited to be prayed over. It is very exciting to know that they are yearning after God, and we were used as a vessel for Him. After lunch, we took the orphans to the beach and we splashed and played the whole time, even with salty eyes! Today has been a great day and I am sad to say goodbye, wouldn’t trade it for the world!


Bailey here,

Y’all, what a week it has been. Fun has been had, tears have been shed, naps have been attempted, and relationships have been built. If I could describe this week with one word, it would be relationship. Our Wolfforth team is returning home with a new level of love for one another. Each individual has stepped up when called to step out of their comfort zone and serve. All the conversations and fundraising came to fruition this week and proved to be worth while. I am sure y’all have heard, in more depth than I can remember, all the great things that have happened this week. I have personally felt ministered to, by the people on this team. I want to take time to focus on them.

Students showed up big time this week. Lynsie, Mason, Zach, and Caleb all were given opportunities lean into the Lord this week. They all crushed it. Lynsie personally led crafts, multiple dance parties, and a women’s bible study that other leaders have been raving about. She did all of this in the midst of feeling sick and taking pro-level pictures for the team. Lynsie has been big time. Mason helped teach on Elijah in KapaFu and led a devotional on Thursday morning. He did these things in the midst of endlessly being pulled to play soccer or basketball and never getting enough sleep. He literally slept 20 minutes total the first night. Crazy. Mason has been big time.

Zach helped teach on Elijah in KapaFu and was non-stop serving every moment he was given the chance. Zach seemed to always have the worst bug bites. Zach’s bug bites were no joke. I personally feel the bug kingdom is out for him. Zach embodied his boy-scout motto to “always be prepared,” very much so. He even let the children play on his DS game system. Zach still hasn’t let me play his DS … kinda bitter about it. He allowed his love for people to override his love for video games. Zach has been big time.

Caleb led worship twice and taught on communion. This was Caleb’s second time to come and he took it as an opportunity to lead. Caleb was often seen showing other team members how to act around the children, encouraging us, and doing the little things that go unnoticed. Caleb has been big time. Few things make me more proud than seeing my students lean into the Lord. Watching them minister to others and to myself has been a huge blessing. I have shed many happy tears over seeing these four students trust the Lord this week. Memories like these are why I love Youth Ministry.

Adult leaders showed up big time this week. Tay, Jodie, Eric, and J were called upon an insane amount of times this week. Taylor did her thing like she always does. She filled holes when the rest of our team couldn’t, she was her normal ocean of grace, and was always focused on others. I am beginning to think she doesn’t sleep … just never stops loving on others. Tay has been big time. Jodie blew me out of the water this week. I seriously don’t think I ever witnessed her question anything. She was called upon to be a mom to the team, lead a good touch/bad touch lesson, always seemed to know the right thing to do next, and so many other things I don’t know about. This was my first real interaction with Jodie and I am leaving thoroughly impressed. Jodie has been big time.

Eric was the heart beat of this team. He led an awesome devotional Tuesday morning, encouraged others every chance he had, and made me tear up every time he spoke about his children. It is a blessing to see parents who are as invested in their children lives as Eric is. Eric did all this while literally teaching me everything to know about Haiti. He taught me how to hang a mosquito net, put on a baggage tag, and was always instructing me not to miss out on the things he wished he had done the last time he was here. Eric has been big time. Justin killed it this week. He led worship twice, had a hand in planning everything, and was always looking out for others. Y’all that know J, know he is a jack of all trades. He did so much this week. J’s presence was ministry to me this week. He is my best friend and held me up all week. Justin has been big time.

Haiti was phenomenal. This team was phenomenal. I loved every second of it.

-Em, I miss you and love you lots. Give Emma kisses for me. I am stopping at McDonalds as soon as I get the chance, heads up!

-Dad, I may have accidentally gotten some international fees on our phone bill during this trip. I have my people call your people and we will get it taken care of. Love you.

-Brian, You were on my mind a lot this week. You have influenced these students so well. Keep it up!

Sorry but we weren’t able to get pictures uploaded! I know the group is headed home today but wanted to make sure we shared their last night!

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