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2012 Rockstars – Day 4…

Hi friends and family

Isn’t it the truth that when someone tells us not to do or look at something, our first instinct is to do exactly that and do it or look?!?!  The same is true in Haiti—no matter how many times Allen told us and the workers not to look directly at the light when someone was welding or we would burn our eyes, we all had to continually fight the urge to look.  There is probably some spiritual parallel to be drawn from that about being attracted to light and Jesus is the Light, but really we just spent the whole day reminding each other not to look as we tried to paint the walls around the bunk bed welding and wooden cubby construction going on in the same room.

The guys spent literally sun up to sun down constructing furniture to go in the first room of the orphanage breaking only to eat meals while us girls worked hard putting 2 coats of paint on the 12-foot concrete walls around them.  After finishing the painting, the girls were able to spend some time walking through town with our interpreter inviting children to come to our sports camp/VBS that we are doing tomorrow afternoon.

–Sarah (on behalf of the PV team)


Another wonderful day here. Actually made good progress today on cutting out several boat parts. Logs to lumber takes time, patience and a lot of sweat. Thanks to a new axe head with a new handle we made, and a new very large hand saw that they brought us, we had a very tiring and productive day cutting out boat parts. Gray even made a boat paddle. Wes and crew ran a clinic all day and probably saw over 100 people, everything from infections to broken legs. Kelly went out into the hillside villages and spent time sharing the Gospel with people, praying with them, and even washing womans feet in their homes. The word spread about her coming around and she even had people waiting for her to come by. Aaron is feeling right at home, as they asked him to clear some trees and brush to prepare a new area for more orphanage housing. Everyone is feeling great and really enjoying our time and our fellowship. Thank you all for your support to get us to this amazing place and your continued prayers. We love you all and love hearing your comments at dinner every night.


Heidi, Addison, and Ryland I love you so much and can’t wait to see you. We are having an amazing trip so far. I can’t wait to show you pictures and tell you all about our trip. Oh, and Heidi you should really get some sleep…3:00am posting on the blog? Love ya’ll.

Hey Kelly, respond to something!-John richard said i should write more. I love you guys.

Elodie, Abigail, and Micah Iove you so much! – Jason

God changed things up today for me. He has a way of doing that! Brought crafts- ended up washing feet! I was so blessed today. God reminded me of John 14- and how Jesus showed His love. Many stories to tell… went to serve and ended up being served. I was blown away when a woman asked if she could wash my feet- she even painted my toenails! God is great! Sara- using your wordless book and pony beads; Carrie using your scripture in Isaiah 40:11; Johnny using your lotions; women’s small group- thank you for growing me and Sam you were my first footbath! Love to you all (Kari Shawn isighters and nanee thank you for your encouraging words.) Talk tomorrow  – – In His Service. Kelly

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