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Happy New Years! Today, we had the opportunity to throw the orphans a Christmas party; they enjoyed great food and a few games. We, then, took the 30-minute boat ride to the small fishing village of Preskul, and on the way, mostly everybody got drenched.

There, we performed the Freedom Drama for the villagers. It was amazing to see their reactions and to talk to them afterword. Members of the team had the amazing opportunity to pray with two people who decided they wanted a relationship with God. Pastor Agenor will be baptizing them in a few days.

After talking, we jump-roped with the kids and played dominos with the adults. I’m sure there will be pictures of us with clothespins stuck everywhere on our arms; this was the penalty for losing this cutthroat game of dominos. We, then, took the boat back to the Mole, where we had a little bit of down time before our New Years Eve party began.

Tonight, unlike my normal New Years tradition, I will not be watching the ball drop (surprise surprise). Instead, we are enjoying a great night with the kids from the church and the orphanage and having a blast watching Horton Hears a Who.

Hopefully, with all of the excitement, we will get some sleep; we all have an early morning tomorrow. Thank you all for your prayers and your thoughts as we are here on our trip.

P.S.- Family and Summer, I miss you guys and I hope you guys are all doing well at home.

P.P.S. – Mom and dad, KJ says hi.

P.P.P.S. – KJ also says hi to everybody else.

P.P.P.P.S. – Hannah says hi too. (:

Caleb Longley


Today was a great day. God answered our prayers by allowing us to see just a glimpse of the fruits that we have worked for.

Prayer Requests:

-Safe travels tomorrow as we deliver traditional new years food to villages

-Stamina and endurance as we enter the second half of our trip

-Desire to finish empty as we begin to miss all you folks at home

-That we encounter people ready to hear the Gospel through the freedom drama tomorrow

Happy New Years from the PV team!


Happy New Years everyone! We started off the day by throwing a Christmas party for the kids in the orphanage, and had a little too much fun with the balloon animals and decorating the cafeteria with streamers.

We decorated Christmas cookies, read the Christmas story, and played lots of games. The kids had a blast, and its so much fun to see their smiles as they play.  After clean up and a delicious lunch, our team headed out into the mountains to do some street ministry.  We met lots of kids and painted nails and just talked to them.

Nobody really wanted to jump rope today though, bummer.  But all was well, and the view from the mountains is absolutely gorgeous.  After a few hours we started the trek back to the Mole, and Emily slipped on some rocks and scraped up her knee. Luckily it wasn’t bad though.  We had some down time when we got back to cool off and drink up on water before starting to prepare for the New Years party.

Definitely a new experience in terms of how I usually spend New Years in America.  But the bonfire, games and watching Horton Hears a Who (in French, which is different for sure) is loads of fun with the kids.  I honestly have no idea what time it is now, but fireworks at midnight should be very exciting.

Prayers for both teams as we go out to the fishing villages and the community in the morning to deliver pumpkin soup, a Haitian favorite for their independence day.  Also, our team is delivering two pairs of goats to 4 families tomorrow, which is exciting.  Thank you all for your prayers and we love hearing your comments every night at dinner.

Happy New Years From Bowling Green Group!

-Sarah Armstrong


Because the teams were SO busy today – I wasn’t able to collect their camera card pictures. You will see pictures of them on the Mole Orphanage Christmas Blog  (I’ll be posting soon) – and then these are some pictures I took of them tonight at our New Years Eve Service. Sorry I wasn’t able to get the pictures from their day today.  You will also see some pictures of our pumpkin soup preparations! We will be delivering 600 bowls tomorrow! We will pray with each individual that receives a bowl! What an incredible way to begin the New Year for these communities! Got to go….we still have a cafeteria full of kids and fireworks to shoot off! 🙂

Also please leave comments – the teams really enjoy hearing from everyone.


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